Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So...I miss my Family.

End of story.


Jessica Grosland said...

(*watery eyes*) I went to the first ward on Sunday, and I can safely assure you that they miss you, too.

As do we all. Make Christmas come faster, Eric!

Jessica Grosland said...

Or, you know, you could write me back so I didn't worry about you all the time. What is it with you and Logan completely FAILING at letter-writing? (*grins*)

Eric Evans said...

Jessica: I'm sorry I have your letter here on my desk with the other 'need to reply to corespondance' I will write you soon.

Jordan: Wait. Isn't it your turn. I emailed you with a bunch of questions like you asked. Correct me If i'm wrong but I am pretty sure it's your turn.