Monday, September 28, 2009

So I’m……Married?

Yeah…I have officially received my calling in the BYU-I 39th Singles Ward. FHE Coordinator. AKA Dad for a group of guys and gals all my age or older.

This is a case of the Lord coming down and saying: “Eric thou shalt remove thyself from thy comfort zone.”

Hmm…This is going to be fun. Honestly I’m not too worried but it’s a little odd to turn around after sacrament meeting and have a gal I hardly know saying “hey sweetie! lets go wait in line to be set apart! :)” yep…pretty much.


Anonymous said...

Lol! Yeah, I'm my fam's mum. :) Talk about comfort zone issues...

Logan Thomas said...

Ha ha !

Funnee! I laugh at both of you!

Haley said...

AWESOME! Good luck, Eric! You da man!

Oh wow...That makes me giggle. But you'll do great-you're so good with people.

Of course, you already know that. :) GO ERIC!