Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've been contemplating a discussion held at a ceremony practice a while back and thought I would expound on it here.

To the members of the ceremony team I hope I do the discussion justice.

Higher education In today's society only makes it half way. In today's colleges we are told to value each opinion and always look at both sides of an issue. Good? Yes. but it does not complete the Idea of being educated. Back in the day you were taught to reason meaning you would not just look at issues and validate alone, You would pick something and stick with it until either you have proven it right, or someone else has given enough evidence to prove you wrong. Higher education provides a vehicle to a lot of new ideas. But we need to not just validate every point we come across we need to Make educated decisions.

Ok I'm done. but it's something that Government sparked in me I don't care if the teacher is wrong at least I can make decisions about what I can take from that class. It's the fact that she (my teacher) does not even get to the first level of THINKING she just regurgitates the bloody book!


Jessica Grosland said...

Don't you love that government class? I've learned so much! Did you know that there are THREE branches of government?! I had no idea!


And by the way Eric, and I forgive you for this because, after all, we have just pointed out the flaws in our education system, but you can't spell DISCUSSION to save your life.

Eric Evans said...

There Fixed It!

Kimberly said...

Way to be someone who really DOES think about things, Eric!