Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day

With Election day looming before us I find a comment I heard on NPR (national public radio) quite comforting. The reporter was interviewing a few factory workers in Mississippi and talked to them about the upcoming election, one comment made by an ex convict made me perk up a bit and listen he said: "Even if He (Obama) doesn't get elected I'm just going to keep on working hard 'cause that's when people will respect you." So in the end with which ever president or congress majority or even with or with out a library bond we can all just work hard and gain respect and change that way.

so I don't have a lot to write but maybe someday I will

1 comment:

Haley said...

You know, you've taught me more on that subject, both Jeremy and you, to know that 'come what may, and love it.' I agree 100% with that statement, and I've learned so much in that area, thanks to you two and others.
I'll be content with whoever becomes president, and then do whatever I can to be prepared for things otherwise. I CAN make a difference in my own little way. Yay for the power of attitude!