That's about how every Tuesday and Thursday will be for the next four months.
The day starts with FDINT Middle East. This class I am actually excited for. Mainly because it is the only social science oriented class that I have this semester. (History Education Major taking
no history classes....hmm oops) But this class will be fun, challenging and informative based on one day in class.
The next class in 15 min. Is FDREL 122 or the latter half of the Book of Mormon. My professor is amazing. Brother Satterfield. And a good friend of Bob Walsh! Yay! He was kinda panicked when he came in. He said "is this really a 122 class?" after hesitant nods by the freshman laden class he says "Oh dear......I haven't taught this in 16 years....I don't have a syllabus.....I'll be giving the prayer today." So he commences to pray for the lord to inspire us to help him know how to teach the class. Well, turns out he teaches 121 by using the whole Book of Mormon and discusses it by topic. He used a talk by .....
dangit..can't remember. But the quote was that a cover to cover reading of a book of scripture is only the first step to let the living water flow, and that the next level is to study by topic (thus needing the whole book). He asked by raise of hands how many of us had read the Book of Mormon cover to cover.
Almost the entire class Then he asked how many of us had already been presented a chronological approach to the Book of Mormon
OK we're at BYU Idaho...anybody who did not raise their hand did not understand the question...lets define chronological....seminary...sunday school...primary etc. Well that turned out, obviously, to be most of the class. So it looks like, hopefully, we will be using his 121 method looking at the Book of Mormon by topic and just throw out the idea of only using just the last half of the Book. I'm excited.
Finally FDSCI 101.....
Oh Dear....
I did not know college had that much busy work...
It is going to be an interesting class....
So: day one of four months down.