Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beauty All Around Us

Ok, Eric is not feeling very deep today; but I have been noticing more and more how beautiful our mountains are. As the fall colors take over the mountain side I am grateful that we have this “Mountain home so dear.” So here I will place some of my pictures from the Maple hike a few of the guys from our group completed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oh, Me Too

So here I go, I guess this is worth giving a try. I do often feel like Moroni and the "Awkardness of my Hands" will be apparent as I figure out how this blogging thing works.

Now a quick musing:

There is a line in the gaelic storm song Kiss me i'm Irish that says "without our past, we would never survive." This is so true in so many ways. How often as a society to we make the same mistakes repeatedly, why do we "do what we do when we know what we know." we should all make an effort to become as informed about where we've been as we do where we are going.

But world history is not the only kind of history that is important. You know those little quirks in your family or even the old standbys that you hold dear to your heart. I think those traditions and past experiances are also needed. Hence this blog's title: "Carrot Pudding and Christmas Trees" named after two of my favorite family traditons.

hey this is kinda fun....